Our meeting on Wednesday May13th 7.15 pm was introduced by Donald Mathewson. Derek Hudson was in the chair.. His chosen subject was Does Morality require Religion to sustain it? This attracted a full turn out of 16. Here is Donald’s summary: Continue reading
Author Archives: John Baxter
ANVIL on Abortion The March 11 meeting
My Comments on the ANVIL session.
We had a really good session with a good turnout and much lively and thoughtful discussion – of course not all agreeing, but all listening to each other carefully. As a result I have revised the paper I used as the basis for my talk and I am placing it here. Continue reading
A Day to Blow Your Mind. Gifted and Talented Student Conference
Yeovil 27th February. Organised by Julie Arliss Continue reading
The Dangers of Diesel and the Need to Use Gas
January 14 – 2015 Christopher Maltin gives a talk to the ANVIL discussion group in Wincanton on The World’s Most Environmentally Friendly Fuel Christopher Maltin provided us with an excellent informative and challenging presentation on diesel, biomethane and natural gas as fuels which took us to places most of us had not recognized before. What follows is my report and reflections on his talk. Continue reading
Christopher Maltin ANVIL January 14th 2015
Anvil discussion on Wednesday 14th January 2015: contribution from Christopher Maltin on the subject “The World’s Most Environmentally Friendly Fuel.” Continue reading
ANVIL meetings for 2015
We have planned six meetings for the year at two monthly intervals, on Wednesdays 7.15 – 10-00pm, so put these dates in your diary. Continue reading
Israel, Palestine and the Jewish Diaspora 3
For our last Anvil session on Palestine and Israel in addition to our excellent session I have written up how this deeply troubling subject now seems to me after careful study. My views however I am sure are deeply controversial. All the more reason if you find an error or inaccuracy in facts or reasoning that you please let me know email johnbaxter@nullgetshot.co.uk
ANVIL 15th October Could A Computer Become Conscious
Julie Arliss’ talk went very well. To read a report Continue reading
Palestine and the Arab Israeli Conflict. ANVIL 3rd Sept
When this meeting was planned months ago, the tragic war between Israel and the Palestinians which exploded this August had not begun, though as Derek’s paper makes clear, the “peace” was fragile. Not surprisingly our meeting attracted a full house and Derek added to his paper extra notes ( http://www.johnbaxter.org/anvil-discussion-group/palestine-and-the-arab-israeli-conflict-2/ See here the notes Derek Added) listing what has happened in this conflict and giving us some vital statistics. Continue reading
Christianity, Supernaturalism and the Common Fuzzy World View
This paper is a critique of supernaturalist thinking in general and the way it is used within traditional Christianity. It also explores the way most people think and the sort of underlying world-view they adopt. This has, it seems, changed remarkably little since the time we were hunter-gatherers. despite apparent secularisation and the fall in Christian church attendance in Europe. This underlying world -view has three main aspects, the Theistic/spiritual, the Magical/miraculous and the Predictable and rational. I label this TMP for short.
The paper explores the Christian resurrection stories, evangelical conversion, and proposes a positive alternative to supernaturalist thinking.