About John Baxter

John Baxter Teacher of Religious Education for 25 years and professional photographer for 16 years. Degrees from Rhodes (SA) Oxford and Bristol in Religion, Theology and the Philosophy of Education. Qualified as a Licentiate with the British Institute of Professional Photography. Interests Art, Photography, Religion and the issues it raises, Politics, Poetry, Writing.


At the first meeting of ANVIL we had an excellent discussion with really thoughtful contributions from everyone who came.  Clearly the subject has relevance to all of us. In the light of that discussion I have written a thorough revision of my paper which is now entitled The Right to Choose a Safe, Painless, Death. In addition go to the end of the article and see the thoughtful comments I have received. Add yours by emailing me at johnbaxter@nullgetshot.co.uk

Can Christianity or Buddhism be Re-cast as Secular Religions?

On Saturday 21st Sept 2013 I am attended a Sea of Faith conference in London to be addressed by Stephen Batchelor – on Secular Buddhism and Don Cuppitt on Secular Christianity and Richard Holloway, the former Scottish Episcopal Church Primate. I tried asking them to say in simple terms of about a paragraph to express the Christian or the Buddhist narrative in a secular way. Simplicity I believe is vital if this talk is to go beyond academic discussion. Continue reading