About John Baxter

John Baxter Teacher of Religious Education for 25 years and professional photographer for 16 years. Degrees from Rhodes (SA) Oxford and Bristol in Religion, Theology and the Philosophy of Education. Qualified as a Licentiate with the British Institute of Professional Photography. Interests Art, Photography, Religion and the issues it raises, Politics, Poetry, Writing.

London. Julis Arliss Academy Conference

On the 8th of February I attended an event I found truly amazing, an Academy Conference for 400 Sixth Formers laid on in central London. Mostly from schools in the South East, though one party had come down from Derby for the day, the students had come to hear top academics and teachers deal with the topics they were preparing for their A  and AS level papers in Philosophy of Religion and Ethics. Continue reading

The Scottish Cardinal, Keith O’Brien

It was back in 2007 that I was provoked into writing the paper WHO SUFFERS as a response to what I felt was the immoral uttererances of Cardinal O’Brien with regard to abortion when he equated abortions with the Dunblane Massacre of primary school children. I found this grossly immoral because he seemed unable to recognise the difference between the appalling suffering of those children, their parents and families  and the termination of potential persons without awareness or any capacity to suffer. Continue reading

Buddhism, Secular Transcendence and Humanism

Oh yes I have got carried away and have written a paper based on a talk I gave to the South Somerset Humanist Group. 8-11-2012. In exploring if Humanism and Buddhism are compatible I found it lead me up many paths, particularly that of looking at secular and supernaturalist views of religion and transcendence. It also explores links to Christianity,Theism, Mindfulness, Consciousness and Memes.  If in dipping in you find it interesting it is easier to read  if you print it off. For article see Religion.  This thememseems to be cropping up in other strange places.  See this article in the Financial Times on Christian and Buddhist monasticism.


Poetry Live!

I have just attached recordings to almost all my poems.  I think this makes them more accessible and of course allows me to give the intended expression and all you have to do is listen.  Go to Poems, click on a title, read. listen and see what you think. Send comments as emails to john@nulljohnbaxter.org

Physics and Spirituality by Professor John Burton

This paper was delivered to the South Somerset Humanist Group on 11th October 2012.  I have chosen, with John’s consent, to publish it here because I think that for the non-numerate non-scientist like me, trying to make sense of things, it gives an admirable and accessible summary of the strange, mysterious and unexpected place science is showing us the cosmos we live in is turning out to be.  To read the article click here.or go to Religion.