Monday 13th April
Started the day with a walk and a jog down our deserted streets, abandoned building sites and almost deserted Recreation Ground Smartphone snapping. Ending this tour passing our Primary School which received an excellent, well deserved OFSTED report just before lockdown. It has been closed ever since. The SOS anti plastic bottle message was orchestrated with pupils by our famous local environmental artist, Zac Greening. Weather: in marked contrast to yesterday, mainly overcast, windy and bitterly cold and it never warmed up
BBC putting on Wolf Hall again and we watched 3hrs of it. First time Elizabeth and I have done such a thing during the day! Now on Iplayer Mark Ryland and the whole production is mesmerisingly just brilliant. Also the last hour of The Nest, subtle and compelling to the end. We both called a list of friends. We now wait for the ghastly
numbers to peak and reduce.