ANVIL Nov 13th Julie Arliss Main Speaker, John Baxter Responder


Wednesday Nov 13th. Our last session for the year will have as our Main Speaker Julie Arliss with myself as the Responder.  Her topic is THE AFTER-LIFE and she introduces it by saying:

The reports of near death experiences, paranoral experiences, telepathy and the like, as well as the beliefs in many world religions, seem to point to some form of post-mortem existence, but the scientific and philosophical problems associated with these beliefs are considerable. This talk will outline the evidence and examine some of the crucial difficulties, such as what would make the person who died the SAME PERSON as the one who is resurrected. “

So we will be facing one of life’s great mysteries.  Continue reading

ANVIL Wed. 19th Sept. ATHEISM the case. Dr Greg Atkins, Graham Stride

This session consisted in Greg emphasising the need for a science based approach to deciding what is true and real and concluding that all forms of supernaturalism and belief in gods ,, one god, spirits and miracles are not based on evidence.  Graham responded that as he saw it there is far more too life than what can be weighted and measured by science and that intuitively many believe as he does that behind all that is happening there is a compassionate God .  Continue reading

ANVIL April 11th Homo Deus. Presenter John Baxter, Responder Greg Atkins

Summary Notes on HOMO DEUS. A Brief History of Tomorrow by Yuval Noah Harari 2015  written by John Baxter March 2018. 5,814 words 9 pages so worth printing off.

 These notes simply seek to summarise Homo Deus as an aid to understanding the book’s challenging ideas.  It is not a review for I do not here judge what he says.   It is an aid not a substitute for reading the book and his equally challenging SAPIENS.   Continue reading


Yes, as some of you know for the last two years I have been working on researching and then writing up, the life story of the amazing but almost unknown soldier of Napoleon and Clockmaker of Wincanton, Alberto Bioletti. I have done this in the form of an historical novel told as if by him in the first person. My 350p work is now self-published and on Amazon. For more details see the page above on Bioletti